Editor: This filter makes images tileable.
Horiz (Horizontal): This slider controls the amount (in percent) of horizontal blending to apply.
Vert (Vertical): This slider controls the amount (in percent) of vertical blending to apply.
HShift (Horizontal Shift): This slider controls (in percent) how much horizontal shift to apply.
VShift (Vertical Shift): This slider controls (in percent) how much vertical shift to apply.
Locks (Center Horiz Seam): This pushbutton will center the horizontal blended seam of the image, effectively overriding and disabling the HShift.
Locks (Center Vert Seam): This pushbutton will center the vertical blended seam of the image, effectively overriding and disabling the VShift.
Output: These pushbuttons define which color channels to output.
Lock Vert to Horiz: This pushbutton assigns the vertical amount to the horizontal for proportional tiling.
Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.
Reset: Resets all values to default.